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firebirds Defunkt juggling club listings > Hongarije
This club no longer meets
This information was imported from the IJDb back in 2012. It has not been through the usual Edge validation processes and there may be information missing. Are these details correct? If not please let us know .
Where: Tuzrakter, Hegedu utca 3., Budapest, Pest, Hungary
When: Every Wednesday to
Website: http://www.firebirds.hu
Members Nearest neighbours INspirál Circus Center - 124.6 km / 77.4 miles Sopron út 19., Budapest, 1117Erlangen - 602.5 km / 374.4 miles Fuchsenwiese 1, 91054 ErlangenFreies Jongliertreffen - 626.4 km / 389.2 miles Bahnhofstraße 63, 15827 Blankenfelde-MahlowJonglaria - 736.8 km / 457.8 miles Festsaal Fichtehaus, Herrenberger Str. 40, 72070 TübingenDrop am See eV - 738 km / 458.6 miles Unterseeschule Leonhard-Oesterle-Straße 7-9, 78315 Radolfzell am Bodensee