Juggling club listings > Verenigd Koninkrijk
Next Meeting: donderdag, 20 maart 2025
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Our juggling club covers all floor skills and a variety of props, not just juggling! Expect to see poi & staff spinning and diablo!
Juggling/Prop Club - Thursday 18:00 - 19:00
Club Passing - Monday 18:30 - 19:30
What to expect:
Our Thursday session is a fantastic relaxed chance to practice what you want or learn from others.
Our main skills to share are juggling and poi but we have people working on diablo, and we can teach some staff and other props. We also are happy to support learning any circus floor skills involving a prop, and will do what we can to find resources to help.
The Monday club passing session is a bit more focused as we work on group club juggling passing patterns.
Every Thursday 18:00 to 19:00