Circadium @ Xperience09

All juggling events in 2009
Juggling events in Verenigd Koninkrijk‎, 2009


zaterdag, 24 oktober 2009 to zondag, 25 oktober 2009


Grand Parade, Next to Blue Reef Aquarium, Tynemouth, North Tyneside, NE30 4JF.



As part of the Xperience festival based in Tynemouth, Lets Circus are organising a free circus event. Xperience '09 is the North of England's biggest and best Extreme Sports festival featuring snow slope, indoor and outdoor ramps, music, surfing and loads more - all on the one site!

Circadium @ Xperience09 is part of Let's…Circus' strategy for circus development in the North East of England, and is the next step on the way to opening the region's first dedicated circus building.

There will be a big top venue totally dedicated to circus arts, organised by circus loving people for people who love circus. It will be an opportunity for training, skill-sharing, development of new skills and having a good time and will bring new talent and a new way of participating in circus to Tyneside.

Part festival and part convention, the event will give people a space to play during the day, workshops to attend and be a focus for the circus skills community in the area. Workshops will be facilitated by national and international visitors, as well as regional specialists, and may be open-access or sign-up depending on their capacity. Currently we are expecting led workshops in:

Chinese Pole, Silks, Trapeze, Acrobalance.
Beginner/Advanced Juggling, Hula, Staff and Poi, Unicycling.

We'll also be programming volunteer-lead workshops as they arise on the day.

We will also be hosting a Unicycle Trials/Street event with a unicycle trials course open to all competent riders. We are expecting some of the best in the North of England to be taking part as well as some riders from further afield.

Although the event's focus is mainly on participation, there will be some shows over the weekend. Saturday afternoon will feature a Circadium crew show, whilst Sunday there will be opportunities for the Circadium community to get involved. Contact Steve Cousins for details

A rough timetable of events for each day:

10:00 - 16:00: Registration and workshop sign-up (get in early as some activities will reach capacity quickly), general use of play space.

10:30 - 12:30: Youth Circus training event for 10-25 year olds with current experience of circus, extreme sports, physical theatre activities, etc.

10:30 - 12:30: Toy box style equipment loan. Bring your own toys or borrow some on the day from the event.

12:30 - 16:00: Workshops for more advanced people.

16:00 - 17:00: Circadium Show

Not from the North East? Well that doesn't stop you coming to play! We are all about sharing circus experiences and our style of doing things! The event is free and open to everyone, however accommodation is not organised for the event. There are plenty of B+B's in the area, which can be found on the internet. If you know people in the surrounding area perhaps you can arrange to stay with them.

It's easy enough to get to the venue by public transport or car. Details can be found here:

If you can volunteer to help us that would be great! If you would like to volunteer to help run this free event, we could really use an hour or two of your time. Fancy helping out on the information desk? Can you run a workshop or assist in workshop management? The more we put into this event the more we'll get out of it! Please get in touch!
0191 2462836

Note for Parents
The venue will be a busy, dynamic and activity filled space and as such is not suitable for young children. The venue policy is for all children aged under 10 to be supervised by a parent/responsible adult. All participants will need to register to take part in the activities.

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