( informeel ook wel The Spin Summit genoemd)
All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in Verenigde Staten, 2013
donderdag, 2 mei 2013 to zondag, 5 mei 2013
Join us the first weekend of May for the third year of Colorado's spin retreat, The Spin Summit!
We are excited to spin with all of you from around the country and the world on the Colorado front range. We are keeping the same great location as last year at La Foret (outside of Colorado Springs) with the addition of a lower cost camping option!
Take your practice to new elevations!
The Spin Summit is a Colorado Rocky Mountain Spin Retreat for all object manipulators and movement artists.
We strive to provide an opportunity for spinners to learn from world class instructors, community peers, and ourselves through in-depth workshops, free form labs, play time, jams, performances, and creative contributions.
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