Bath UpChuck 2016

All juggling events in 2016
Juggling events in Verenigd Koninkrijk‎, 2016


zaterdag, 20 februari 2016


Founders Sports Hall, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY


Dit is een Bath Upchucks evenement.

Andere evenement die plaatsvonden op Bath UpChuck 2016

Fight Night Combat Toernooi


Get hyped, UpChuck is back...

Bath UpChuck is Bath's annual juggling convention organised by the University of Bath Juggling Society, Gravity Vomit.

Come along for a full day of fun including workshops, challenges and more then in the evening come to enjoy our famous show; expect to be amazed!

The day is open to everyone from those who've never juggled, to the more experienced among you. So please bring along all your friends for a tremendous day of fun!

Tickets available now: £8 for the day only, £6 for the show only and £12 combined. Under 12s are eligible for free day entry.
See the ICIA website above to purchase. To get the combined price just add both items to your basket.

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