( informeel ook wel IgNight genoemd)
All juggling events in 2016
Juggling events in Verenigde Staten, 2016
vrijdag, 17 juni 2016 to zondag, 19 juni 2016
IgNight is a 3 day Fire Flow Community Celebration in Southern California, designed to provide a fun, educational and community environment for spinners from all over the world. More than 160 workshops in three days! Over 100 Beginner Flow Art classes to get your flow renewed. 10 classes going on concurrently at all times of the day and a nightly spin jam with flow music for you to practice and hone your muscle memory. Flow enthusiasts of all skill levels are invited to attend this communal opportunity for growth and development. Hundreds of artists will gather to learn, teach, and advance together in the flow arts.
Astronomy exhibits, Circus, Archery, Pool, Yoga classes, Flow music and a Wellness Center built by Frank Lloyd Wright will create an environment where access to mind expanding knowledge will keep you in the flow.
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