French Juggling Convention, Glühwein 2020

( informeel ook wel FJC Glühwein 2020 genoemd)

All juggling events in 2019
Juggling events in Frankrijk‎, 2019


zondag, 29 december 2019 to vrijdag, 3 januari 2020


rue Kembs - 68440 Habsheim (France)



Dit is een AFJ evenement.

Andere evenement die plaatsvonden op FJC Glühwein 2020

Fight Night Combat Toernooi


Glüh... Wein!!!!!

On the occasion of its 15th and last edition, the Glühwein will have the honour and privilege of representing the 12th French Juggling Convention (FJC) from Sunday 29 December 2019 from 1pm to Friday 3 January 2020 around 8pm, on the Habsheim sports complex (rue Kembs - 68440).

This event is co-organized by 4 associations: the French Juggling Association (AFJ), the Nazes Association, the Pyrocircus Association and the Chill'Ubik Association and benefits from the support of the City of Habsheim, which we would like to thank very much.

What you need to know:

The convention site:

Three interior spaces will be at our disposal: a multipurpose room, a large gymnasium and a tent.

We also have an outdoor area for fire juggling, for juggling equipment shops, for a heated chill'out, as well as a car park for trucks, caravans...

The multipurpose hall will be used as a place for free juggling, shows, concerts, breakfasts, cooking, refreshments and catering, as well as for part of the workshops.

The gym will be used as a sleeping area, showers, and acrobatic workshops in the dojo. The tent will mainly be used as a free juggling space, but also for workshops to introduce children to the art of circus.

On the agenda:

Shows, open stage, gala, gala, fire gala, fire parade, workshops, fight-night combat, juggling games, initiation circus for children, concerts, Christmas dinner...

Fire space:

As in winter, it is dark at 4pm and we love burners, this convention will offer several exciting activities. A large fire area will allow burners to train, while offering entertainment to the curious. We authorize "dragon-staff" and other instruments, as well as fire-eaters, but in compliance with the instructions and safety standards.
In parallel with the free sessions, three fire galas are scheduled (regional, national and international gala).
A fire parade in the streets of Habsheim is also planned.
So dear friends burners, take your equipment, suit, accessories... and possibly oil!

Breakfast, refreshment and catering:

Throughout the duration of the convention, a refreshment bar and a restaurant will be available on site, as well as our traditional mulled wine and soup. On this occasion we would be grateful if you could bring back some vegetables from the bag to decorate the soups.

New Year's Eve dinner:
On New Year's Eve, we invite you to eat together in the festival hall.
To do so, we offer you a New Year's Eve dinner for 15€/person. It will consist of a starter, a main course (choice between vegetarian, meat or fish) and a desert.
For those who do not wish to eat the meal offered at 15€, it will be possible for them to take their meal from the bag or to order elsewhere, or to opt for the water and juggling option in the tent.

Circus initiation:

An initiation workshop to the circus arts for children will be held almost every morning from 10am to 12pm under the tent.
Children aged 6 to 16 can learn to walk on a ball, on a wire, to juggle or to ride a unicycle. Places will be limited to 20 participants per 2-hour session.

Details about accommodation:

At the Glühwein, you can sleep either:
- at the gym where the sleeping is collective and on the floor. Remember to bring your floor mats and sleeping bag, as well as any hearing plugs. Be careful, we don't have enough space to let you put your tents in the gym, so tents are not allowed in the gym.
- or at the truck campsite, but beware, the winter in Alsace is very harsh and therefore heating is required!
If this formula does not provide you with sufficient comfort, we invite you to book your accommodation by your own means, but they will be independent of the organisation (youth hostel, guest room, Airbnb, Tripadvisor, hotels...).

Our friends the animals:
Our friends animals are not allowed in the interior spaces of the site, but are tolerated (under the responsibility of their owners) in the outdoor spaces that are part of the site. Please be aware that some festivalgoers are allergic to animals and others are not reassured in their company.

To pre-register we have set up a Hello-Asso ticket office at this address:

We hope to see you soon and wish you a great juggling adventure!

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