( informeel ook wel Irish Acro 2020 genoemd)
All juggling events in 2020
Juggling events in Ierland, 2020
donderdag, 21 mei 2020 to zondag, 24 mei 2020
Join us celebrating the fifth year of our acrobatic meet up! Four days of acrobatic workshops and jamming in the stunning countryside just outside Dublin. All workshops, shows, camping in a beautiful garden area and food for the weekend (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner) is included in the ticket price! There is also a small sauna on site! Performances Friday and Saturday night.
Plenty of workshops to choose between in: Partner Acrobatics, Handstands, Tumbling, Hand to Hand, Acroyoga, Tightwire, Movement, Dance, Icarian, Flexibility and Act creation. The level will range from Beginner to Advanced.
Ticket prices (Includes food for the weekend + camping):
Early Bird (Pay before 1st April): €130
Late Bird (Pay after 1st April): €165
This event has limited spaces, registration is now open!
Register Here: https://forms.gle/CX3JGYkWc4MUMtQF8
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