Camvention 2022 - Cambridge Juggling Convention

( informeel ook wel Camvention 2022 genoemd)

All juggling events in 2022
Juggling events in Verenigd Koninkrijk‎, 2022

Er is een ander aankomend Cambridge Juggling Conventions evenement: Camvention 2024


zaterdag, 24 september 2022, 09:30 tot 21:00


University of Cambridge Sports Centre, Philippa Fawcett Dr, Cambridge CB3 0AS


Dit is een Cambridge Juggling Conventions evenement.


Welcome to Camvention. We are finally back after a 3 year hiatus, with all the trimmings you know and love in the wonderful Cambridge University Sports Centre.
Camvention, the Cambridge Juggling Convention, is an annual event run by the Cambridge University Jugglers' Association and Cambridge Community Circus, open to anyone with an interest in circus.
Further details to be added primarily to the main page on facebook, and here on Juggling Edge periodically - check back for updates.

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