4 ball 33[33] records

4 ball solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
2034 catches Ethan2015-07-13
1040 catches Ilia Poliakov2015-07-13
293 catches razor_black2015-03-01
200 catches aawray2015-03-19
200 catches James Hennigan2016-08-05

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
200 catches James Hennigan2016-08-0550 rounds. Horizontal multiplexes. The exchanges clicked pretty quickly and then the trick didn't take long to learn.
2034 catches Ethan2015-07-13
1040 catches Ilia Poliakov2015-07-13
445 catches Ethan2015-07-01
200 catches aawray2015-03-19
293 catches razor_black2015-03-01([33]33^220)