VR Juggling Simulator

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Stephen Meschke -

VR Juggling Simulator

Link to video of Juggling Simulator

Link to download .apk file for VR Juggling Simulator

Built on Tracking Data

The VR Juggling Simulator is powered by tracking data from my juggling dataset. Each juggling pattern in the simulator is based on .csv files that contain the positions of the balls in video clips. The simulation animates the balls by moving them to the positions specified in these .csv files, creating a realistic visualization of juggling patterns.

Trying It Out

You can try the VR Juggling Simulator by downloading the APK file. I installed the app on my Quest 3s headset from my Linux computer using a tool called ADB.

Copy and Paste

This project involves a significant amount of repetitive data handling. The simulation includes approximately 100 juggling balls, all of which are continuously animated. Due to the complexity and resource demands of the app, the Quest 3 tends to get noticeably warm after running it for a while.

Features of the Program

In this app, users can explore juggling patterns in an immersive VR environment. You can walk around and observe the patterns from different angles or use the thumbstick to move through the space. However, there is currently no interaction with the environment—it's purely a visual experience.

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

Thanks Stephen. I've always been interested by how VR/AR can enhance the learning of juggling. The idea of 'being there' in a 3D environment with a pattern, slowing it down, and gradually increasing the speed to really get a feel for it before actually making it physical.. it sounds like a useful tool. I'm excited to check it out later - hopefully, it’s compatible with my old Quest 2? Best of luck with the project!

Robin Purtee - - Parent

Cool simulator. What I have always wanted would be a club passing game, so you could pass clubs with people from around the world in VR.


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